【禮物】Concord Buggy NEO PLUS
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Concord Buggy NEO PLUS 設計式樣: Autumn Red · 2019
The Concord NEO PLUS combines innovative technology with pure design. This extraordinary, premium buggy will attract everybody's attention immediately.The elaborate design of the chassis contributes to a perfect road holding and a high level of manoeuvrability. The extra-spacious sport seat comes with a backrest and is equipped with a super soft and padded seat pad. That way, every ride in this buggy will be pleasant and comfortable for your child and even a little nap in between times is possible. In addition to this, the distinctive Y-FRAME front axle, the independent suspension, the height-adjustable push bar as well as the delicate rhomboid suspension provide maximum driving and riding comfort.This buggy features a comfortable and convenient handling. Two parking positions enable you to fold the buggy while having a forward-facing or rear-facing sitting position. The buggy NEO PLUS by Concord is pretty versatile and can even be used as a mobile highchair. When combined with the folding carrycot SCOUT, you can easily transform the buggy into a comfortable stroller which is suitable for being used right from birth and up. (Please note: The folding carrycot SCOUT is not included in delivery). The Concord Air i-Size infant car seat can be attached to the chassis of the buggy, too. (Please note: the infant car seat AIR i-Size is not included in delivery). Thus, the Concord NEO PLUS buggy provides plenty of flexibility and freedom of movement.The parking brake on the push bar can be operated comfortably with only one hand. The seat of this buggy can be installed in either a forward-facing or rear-facing mode - that way, you can decide whether your child is facing you or else the world around. Are there small crumbs or even stains from some pieces of chocolate on the cover? No problem! The covers of the Concord NEO can b哪裡便宜網路購物e removed and washed easily. This way, dirt and stains will soon belong to the past.非逛不可經典商品Another great feature of this buggy is its adjustable sun canopy which is made of elastic, high-quality 3D material (with UV protection 50+) and is water-resistant and washable. The sun canopy, the built-in wind protection for your little one's legs as well as the universal rain cover provide outstanding protection in any weather. The spacious shopping basket of the Concord Buggy NEO PLUS offers enough space to store the change bag or smaller purchases. The buggy's innovative folding mechanism and its compa開店送禮推薦網路人氣商品top10ct folded size of only L 74 x W 61 x H 39 cm are perfect for storing it easily and quickly in your vehicle.好康活動省錢妙招The new design of the wheels emphasises the sporty look of the NEO PLUS and matches perfectly with the colour of the new 2019 collection. In addition to this, the white coloured rims increase visibility in the dark.Details:- New, large seat unit which is suitable right from birth
- Extra-large adjustable sun canopy made of high-quality material, with UV protection 50+; water-resistant and washable
- Height-adjustable push bar 大力推薦最便宜
- Parking brake on push bar, can be used comfortably with only one hand
- Built-in wind protection for the legs
- Inclination of seat can be adjusted
- Ideal seat height for being used at the table
- Seat can be installed in either a forward-facing or rear-facing mode
- Spacious shopping basket特賣會團購熱門商品
- Delicate rhomboid suspension
- Innovative Y-FRAME front axle
- Independent suspension
- New design of the wheels - white coloured rims
- Perfect road holding and high manoeuvrability 2019熱門商品好康報報
- Including universal rain cover (also suitable for SCOUT) 好康最新
- Cover can be removed and washed
- Innovative folding mechanism - extremely small and compact folded size
- Weight: 13.8 kg
- Weight without seat unit: 10 kg
- Dimensions unfolded (LxWxH): 95 x 61 x 110 cm
- Dimensions folded (LxWxH): 74 x 61 x 39 cm
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【禮物】Concord Buggy NEO PLUS
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團購熱門產品網路熱銷產品2020立委選舉大戰即將開打,國民黨不分區立委柯志恩挑戰新北市板橋東區,據了解柯志恩今到新北市政府「聊聊」,柯表示,自己致力於推動文化與教育政策,未來將會替新北爭取運動場經費、也可以為學校來爭取老舊大樓翻本日刷卡折扣新的經費補助等,希望不只是為板橋爭取好建設,而是希望可以為整個新北市來爭取。柯志恩表示,自己先前在行程中遇到新北市長侯友宜,兩人有聊過對新北建設的看法。新上市首選柯舉例,像是新北市的特專三用地,當初蘇貞昌競選新北市長時,說選上會與中央協調,蓋親子博物館不用再花15年的時間,如今蘇自己已成為中央,她也會積極來爭取。. } }); } 柯志恩先前宣布投入下屆立委選舉時就表示,三年多前感謝國民黨提名,她列於不分區女性的第一位,她在大學教書19年一下子踏入政壇,實有太多調適、適應與學習,所幸她的個性不管遇到何種難題或挑戰,都能全力以赴、克服解決,更會自我要求、全力做好,明年1月11日投票,藍營要推專業且具論述能力的候選人,才能打贏選戰、發揮戰力!柯志恩表示,不只是板橋,希望為新北市爭取好的建設。圖/報系資料照 分享 fa哪裡買cebook